The Question
Imagine we have fully engaged County Extension Councils, what should IECA do by 2025 to enhance this engagement?
IECA has a broad set of benefits that are well-used by counties to improve services to their constituents
More council member involvement in IECA to improve county council effectiveness
Improve effectiveness of local councils
Outcome | Outcome | Outcome | Outcome | Outcome | Outcome |
Increase participation at events – council conference, legislative day |
Increase awareness and use of IECA benefits |
Increase member benefits offerings |
Increase role clarity in county council membership |
Increase networking opportunities between counties |
Increase usage of online resources |
Strategies to Achieve Outcomes
Extension Council Conference
- More networking time
- Employ visual cues of commonality (ways to identify people from the same region, same council committee, etc.)
- Offer a virtual hybrid option for workshops to allow off-site participation
- Incentives – benefit usage, not just door prizes
- Incentives for attendance
Board Members Connecting to Council members
- Talking points for board members to use when meeting with councils – focused topics
Networking for Councils
- Regional meetings
- Develop a potential agenda for regional meetings – each county could share both a success story and a concern
Legislative Day
- Make sure all IECA board members have a clear vision and details about legislative day
- More emails (to council members) about legislative day
- Develop talking points for board members to share
Enhance Online Resources for Council Members
- Include links to website on all online resources
- Partner with regional directors to train councils on resources available on the IECA website
Improve Council Role Clarity
- 3-minute video on importance of the nominating committee
- 3-minute video on council member role
- Provide links to resources
Awareness/Usage of Benefits
- 3-Minute video: Discussion of IECA benefits (EAP, legal services, IECA staff)
- Share success stories/promos with highlights of how our benefits help serve the needs of councils
- Promote IECA staff
Identify New Benefits of Membership
- Needs assessment to identify council needs that we can help solve
- Make personal contacts for ideas – ask council members about their needs and solicit success stories of benefit usage
- Standardize interview questions for board members to ask of council members