Breakout sessions are offered on both evenings of the extension council conference. The session offerings are all unique and do not repeat. All sessions will be recorded for later viewing, so participants are encouraged to select the breakout sessions which they find most appealing and relevant to their needs, with the plan to go back and watch the ones they weren't able to fit in to their schedule.
Not sure what to sign up for? We've put together some guidance in our Breakout Session Selection Guide.
Thursday, April 10
Session 1: 7:45 - 8:25 p.m.
Choose 1
- A. Working Collaboratively to Reach Young Audiences
Mitch Hoyer, State 4-H Program Leader and Tillie Good, Staff and Volunteer Development Manager
What does a refocus of Iowa 4-H mean for county staff, field specialists, other program units, and partners? Join us for an engaging dialogue as we explore our renewed focus on Agriculture, Leadership, and STEM and ensuring Iowa youth are Beyond Ready for life and work. Gain insights and practical strategies for fostering collaboration to achieve this shared vision.
- B. Exploring the Value and Practical Application of Healthy Meeting Guidelines
Sarah Sprouse, Health and Human Sciences Educator and Lyndi Buckingham-Schutt, Health and Human Sciences Extension and Outreach Specialist
Healthy Meeting Guidelines (HMG) provide an opportunity to foster healthy eating, physical activity, and sustainability within organizations and workplaces. Implementing HMG can enhance employee well-being while boosting productivity and reducing operational costs. Learn how councils can adopt HMG with practical examples and strategies for implementation.
- C. Community Mapping: To know where you are going, you need to know where you have been
Himar Hernandez, Community and Economic Development Specialist and Kim Greder, Family Life Extension State Specialist
In this interactive session we will share tools that are being used in Extension to help communities successfully identify resources and build partnerships to address real issues and work together on aligned goals. Partnerships help councils to maximize resources and expand your reach in your county.
- D. 2025 County Fiscal Policy Updates
Katharinna Bain, Region 19 Director and Hailee Sandberg, Region 29 Director
One of the primary roles of the extension council is to be fiscally responsible with their county funds. Review the fiscal policy, especially the 2025 updates to the county fiscal policy template which your county will review and adopt.
Session 2: 8:30 - 9:10 p.m.
Choose 1
- A. Mental Health Resources for Staff and for Local Programs
Dr. David Brown, State Behavioral Health Specialist and Tammy Jacobs, Hotline Manager
ISU Extension and Outreach is an important partner to share mental health resources in your county. There are programs that can be offered exclusively by your office or in partnership with other organizations. Don't doubt the importance of education and sharing mental health resources to those in never know when it will be there at just the right moment.
- B. Determining the Fiscal Health of your County Budget
Terry Toreneten, Region 13 Director
Do you know how to anticipate your tax revenue in 3 to 5 years? How does your county's property valuation impact your budget? Can you sustain the staff you have and the building where you're located? Learn how to use the numbers to determine your fiscal health rather than just hoping your budget is sound.
- C. Open Meetings and Open Records
Andrea Welchans, Assistant Vice President for County Services
Iowa law dictates that meetings of the agricultural extension district members (extension council) must follow open meetings policy and that most documents must be visible or available to the public. This session addresses posting requirements, email protocol, closed session, quorum, and open records requests to make sure your council conducts in accordance with open meetings laws and open records requirements.
- D. Understanding Roles within Extension
Janet Smith, Director of Field Operations - South and RaeAnn Gordon, Director of Field Operations - North
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach is a big organization with a complex partnership between ISU and your county extension district. This session will help outline "who's who" and "who does what" at the county, regional, state, and federal levels, as well as how it impacts you as a council member. And, no, there won't be a quiz at the end of the session.
Tuesday, April 15
Session 3 - 6:45 - 7:25 p.m.
Choose 1
- A. Deciding What’s Essential in Your Life
Ann Torbert, Region 15 Director
This presentation highlights themes in Greg McKeown’s book “Essentialism.” Diving into sections from Explore, Eliminate, and Execute, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the benefits of choice, options for saying no and creating a buffer to strengthen life and work habits.
- B. Making County Audits a Positive Experience
Roxanne Stotler, Senior Internal Auditor and Andrea Welchans, Assistant Vice President for County Services
The extension district's financial review has changed over the last several years. Learn about the role of the council in auditing, the process of the audit, and how findings can lead to positive change.
- C. Working with AI
Kris Baldwin, Educational Technology Resources Specialist and Kristi Elmore, Extension Information Technology Specialist
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a powerful computer application that can be used on almost any device to create content such as writing or images. Learn how AI has changed the way interact with technology, identify ways you can use it wisely, discover AI resources for improving efficiency and communication, and consider what might be on the horizon as AI is constantly improving and changing.
- D. 2025 Personnel Policy Updates
Janet Smith, Director of Field Operations - South and Abby Boysen, Region 11 Director
"A clear and shared understanding of work expectations and standards fosters a positive and productive work environment and a stronger culture of compliance and cooperation." ~ County Personnel Policy
Learn about the changes to the 2025 personnel policy template and how it affects you as the employer.
Session 4 - 8:15 - 8:55 p.m.
Choose 1
- A. 2025 Legal Updates – Employment, Subpoenas, and More!
Kay Oskvig, Whitfield & Eddy Law
This session will summarize many of the most frequent questions councils asked Whitfield & Eddy Law in 2024. Real life, anonymous scenarios will help council members understand their obligations as employers, how to respond to subpoenas, and federal funding questions, among others.
- B. Discussing Iowa State University Extension’s Role in Disaster
Kerry Aistrope, Region 21 Director and Courtney Long, Ag & Natural Resources and Community Economic Development Program Manager
Extension supports the community with emergency and disaster preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation efforts. This presentation describes the disaster cycle and highlights essential services in Greenfield and NW Iowa that addressed the challenges posed by 2024 weather conditions. We will discuss best practices to enhance county preparedness and responsiveness to severe weather events.
- C. Reading the Monthly Financial Reports
Terry Janssen, Region 7 Director
Your county extension council was created as a taxing authority to collect and allocate dollars, according to Iowa Code Section 176A. But do you know how to read the monthly reports you receive? Learn what to look for and how to use the information to ensure your budget is progressing as planned throughout the year.
- D. The Power of Leveraging the ISU Extension and Outreach Brand
Cindy Gannon, Advancement Specialist and Karen Hart, Advancement Specialist
Join us to unlock the full potential of the ISU Extension and Outreach brand. Deepen your understanding of the brand and learn practical strategies for you and your staff to build a stronger, more cohesive identity. Good branding helps communicate our value, foster community connections, and share your impacts.