Council Training - Finance

The following videos and resources highlight finance topics relevant to the role of county extension council members.  NOTE: There are "Chapters" in some videos.  Click on the bulleted list icon   on the video player to access the chapter feature.

Focus on Finance Committee

Recorded February 2023 for the IECA Extension Council Conference

Focus on Finance Committee

This session is targeted at extension council members who serve on their county finance or budget committee. Learn about roles and responsibilities for finance committee members.


Life Cycle of County Funds

Recorded February 2023 for the IECA Extension Council Conference

Life Cycle of County Funds

Your county tax ask vs. your budget - how does it all work together? You will be empowered to spot potential cash flow issues, understand the different county funds, and shape budgets to reflect your county's priorities. 


Extension Budget Cycle

3-Minute Video

Extension Budget Cycle

This 3-minute video covers the budget cycle process and the council's role in planning for the budget and fiscal oversight.

County Finance 101

Recorded March 2021 for the IECA Extension Council Conference

County Finance 101

This hands-on workshop recording is for newer council members and provides some basics to help you read and interpret county financial reports. Get a better handle on what council members need to know for due diligence with county finances. 


County Finance 102

Recorded March 2021 for the IECA Extension Council Conference

County Finance 102

How can we better manage the county's finances? This hands-on workshop recording provides the next level of complexity for council members to understand county finances.  You will be empowered to spot potential cash flow issues, understand the different county funds, and shape budgets to reflect your county's priorities.   


County Audits and Financial Controls

Recorded March 2022 for the IECA Extension Council Conference

County Audits and Financial Controls

Are you using fiscal policy to safeguard your extension district? Explore ways to decrease financial risks by improving the financial controls utilized by staff and council members. Learn how your county audit can inform improved financial practices.


Carryover Projection & Usage

Recorded January 2021 during an IECA Board Meeting

Carryover Projection & Usage

Instructs how councils can use a carryover analysis to do year-end financial planning. 


Financing County Programs

Recorded February 2023 for the IECA Extension Council Conference

Financing County Programs

Once you've completed your needs assessment and identified programs you want to offer in your county, how do allocate the fiscal resources to be successful? Learn the opportunities and limitations of program dollars in your county budget. 

Note: This video has chapters if you don't have time to view it in its entirety. Just click on the   icon on your Vimeo player.


Working with County Foundations for Local Fundraising Efforts

Recorded February 2023 at the IECA Extension Council Conference

Working with County Foundations for Local Fundraising Efforts

There are important regulations about donor funds supporting 4-H programming in your county including foundations. Learn more about how the endowments work, policies around utilizing the funds and how your county can work with the Iowa 4-H Foundation to raise more money for your local 4-H Program.


Property Tax Impacts for Extension Districts

Note: The main content of the webinar is in the first 31 minutes; the remainder of the time is breakout session activity and Q/A wrap-up.

Property Tax Impacts for Extension Districts

Ag Extension Districts in Iowa rely on property taxes as the major source of revenue. This webinar explores Iowa’s property tax landscape in terms of property tax assessment and valuation by property class; trends across small, medium, and large-sized communities; and revenue implications of these trends on Extension Districts.